I was born in the Catskill Mountains on New York, but we moved to Western Colorado during the oil shale boom, before I went to school. I grew up in Mesa County, living variously in Palisade, Orchard Mesa, Clifton, and Grand Junction. We spent a lot of weekends playing soccer as a kid, which was one of the big sports at the time. I also spent a lot of summers in the Catskill Mountains, where we did a lot of fishing. I went to Palisade High School (go Bulldogs), and was in one of the last classes to attend school in the old Palisade High building, though I graduated in the new one.
After graduating high school I attended college at the University of Denver. I was able to attend due to a scholarship, but also worked my way through college. I worked during the school year and had a variety of summer jobs. I graduated from DU with a Bachelors Degree in Political Science. I then went to law school at the University of Colorado. I greatly enjoyed law school, even more than college. Despite growing up in Western Colorado, I found Boulder to be a great community and enjoyed my time there. I graduated with a JD in 2002 and passed the bar the same year, becoming an attorney. I returned to Grand Junction to work at was then Killian & Guthro, P.C., and what is now Killian, Davis, Richter & Kraniak, P.C. I have been proud to practice law in Grand Junction for over 20 years.
In 2013, I was lucky to become a dad to a wonderful son. Although I am no longer married to his mom, he has been a blessing in my life. As a proud dad, I enjoy taking him fishing, hunting, having a game night, or even just barbequing. We make sure to sit down for each dinner with no screens to make sure we have some family time together.
In 2019, I reconnected with the woman who would become the love of my life, Jennifer Reyes. We started off with a simple dinner date in 2019. We got engaged in 2021 and no we're buying a house together. She has been a great support for me.
I am also luck to have two step-daughters in my life. Jenn's daughters are amazing young women who are very responsible and are excelling in school.
Over the last 20 years as an attorney, I have been on various boards seeking to serve the public interest. I was president of the Mesa County Bar Association, and served three years as the MCBA's representative to the Colorado Bar Association Board of Governors. In those rolls, I sought to promote pro bono work and access to justice. I also served several years on the Mesa County Access to Justice Committee, ending as secretary. I am also in the Colorado Bar Foundation. And I serve on the Colorado Supreme Court Civil Rules Committee, which advices the Colorado Supreme Court on proposed changes to the rules of civil procedure. In 2022, I sought to put that experience to work by running for public office. I ran for Colorado State Representative as the Democratic candidate. Although I did not prevail, I believe I advanced my message. Now I serve on the local Democratic Party executive committee, and am hoping to help other candidates. And who knows, perhaps I'll run again some day.
In the mean time, with the support of my wonderful fiancée, I continue promote the public interest through participation in local politics and events and issues advocacy. I also continue to serve my clients as an attorney. And of course, I am happy to remain a family man and proud dad to my son and step-daughters. That is perhaps what I am most proud of.